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My Queen Esther Call

Evangelist Alveda King


Some familiar ministry calls from the Bible include these: David who was called in from the fields while keeping the sheep. Elisha was called by having Elijah throw his cloak over him while walking down the road. Jesus called the twelve to follow Him.


We also know how Esther the Queen was called into service to be a vessel of deliverance for her people the Jews. The Book of Esther was always a favorite testimony for me, but I never expected for God to use Esther’s life and ministry to call me to higher and deeper service.

I had been “saved” and water baptized in 1956, just five years after my birth on January 22, 1951. At five years of age, when Daddy and Granddaddy preached about Jesus’ having been born of the Virgin Mary, having died on the cross and rose again, I believed that, and was baptized. Yet, it took nearly three decades, into 1983 for me to become “born again.”


 In 1983, after a compassionate hour with a woman who was a coworker used the scriptures to enlighten me that I was a “sinner in need of grace.” I learned from the Bible that day that indeed Jesus was born of the Virgin Mary; lived and ministered in the earth; died on the cross at Calvary and shed his pure blood for my sins; went into hell and defeated by enemy Satan; rose again on the third day and is now seated on the throne in Heaven as my High Priest. I learned that Jesus is the Son of God, and that God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit loves me. Glory!


Well, from 1983 till about 1995, I began to confess my sins, tithe, and generally serve God the best I knew how. I joined Believers’ Bible Christian Church in 1988, and have remained there for my spiritual covering. I was content with my life, and wasn’t looking for anything new to do. In fact, I had been ignoring various calls to join in ministry projects at the church, because I was “too busy” with other things.


Then, in 1995, I was at home in my “prayer room” on a Sunday morning. I had an “unction from the Holy Ghost” to read the entire book of Esther before I went to church that morning. Now, please understand that Sunday morning was a special quiet time for me. I had about an hour before I had to cook breakfast, feed and dress the children and myself and still get to church on time. I can still remember that day, reading in my quiet room, with the presence of God making the world very beautiful in those moments. In my heart, I realized that God very likely wanted me to do something, and I didn’t want my father’s house to be forgotten. I said a quick prayer, and prepared to go to church.


I remember what happened at the altar call that morning during service almost as if it was yesterday. Pastor McNair spoke to the congregation, saying something like this: “If God is speaking to your heart this morning, if you know that God wants you to step up and serve Him because people are dying and need the Lord, then step out of your seat right now, and come around the altar.”


I left the choir stand, and was on my feet and moving down to the altar. I remember falling on my face at the steps to the altar. Pastor walked back and forth across the platform, ministering. I remember his feet stopping just above my head, while I was sobbing “okay God.” I guess I sounded like my Daddy all those years ago.


Pastor McNair spoke these words: “Queen Esther, it is time for you to come off of your throne of complacency. There is a hole in the spirit in the city of Atlanta that needs to be filled.” Then, Pastor walked on and continued to minister. I knew God was speaking directly to me. I needed to do more for the Lord! I decided then, that whatever God wanted, I would do it. That was my “Queen Esther Moment,” my “Esther Call.”

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