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Allison Schuster
Friends, we have witnessed yet another foiled attempt on the life of my friend, President Donald John Trump. Yesterday, a gunman was intercepted in the weeds. The first publicized attempt was hair raising. This second is harrowing. All I can say is thank God for his life and safety. Fear not and pray hard my friends.

“For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten son Jesus; so that who ever believes on him shall not perish but have everlasting life. For God did not send his son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through him might be saved.” John 3:16-17
All of this is happening at the end of this long hot summer, on the tail of weeks of travel across the nation and around the globe. I take pause at this change of the seasons to reflect on a question. What in the world?
Between May and September, I traveled at home and abroad - in the UK with SHE LEADS AMERICA, in Romania for WORLD PEACE talks, in ARMENIA to fight religious persecution, in DC for sanctity of life, and Italy for prayers and fellowship and yes, a BOCELLI concert. In the midst of it all we wrapped up our first season of The Vision TV Show. Thankfully for me, throughout the journey there remains more hope than dissonance in the air.
Life is moving beyond light breaking speed. In the world, many people are angry, frustrated, suspicious, and hopeless. On the other hand, there are those like me who are holding on to a blessed hope. What causes this difference in perspectives? Sometimes it helps when life is dissected and served in slices to find pockets of happiness.
As I mention my long hot summer where I traveled in and around America and to foreign land, I was quite encouraged to find faith, hope, and love along the path. Currently here in America while reeling from this new assassination attempt; we've just commemorated 911, and witnessed yet another horrific violent attack in a school community.
Also here in America, heated elections are occurring; with perhaps one of the most contentious presidential elections this nation has ever known at the forefront.
While I no longer formerly endorse political candidates, I pray for every candidate and leader the same way.
“For kings, and for all that are in authority; that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and honesty.”
~ 1Timothy 2:2
Father God, we trust You above all rulers and human authorities. Guide our leaders as You see fit. We pray for them that they would yield to Your Spirit and Your wisdom. Lead them according to Your perfect will. Let our leaders fulfill their God-given destiny and accomplish the assignments You have for them. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.
We all have a God given right to make our choices and protect our beliefs and interests. I will continue to thank and support candidates when they protect my values and interests.
Today, I do not attack anyone as a person and only speak to the issues I hold near and dear.
Twenty-three years ago on 9/11, I was a college professor. As I sat at my desk working on my grades which needed to be turned in, on the screen a newsflash brought the information that the Twin Towers in New York City were under attack.
Flashbacks of the bombing of the home of my parents Rev. A.D. and Dr. Naomi King exploded before my eyes. Triggered by the past, faced with the current disaster, I realized that America was in crisis. That day many brave people lost their lives, family members, and loved ones.
Meanwhile, also on 9/11, Katy Perry was noted for a personal struggle over her identity. Is she Katy Perry or Katheryn Hudson? Her fiancé and the father of her child, Orlando Bloom introduced her by her given name at a show. And on the same spectrum, Beyoncé's family is possibly offended because she was not honored with a country music award. Also in the news is a reportedly new homeless Barbie doll; hopefully that’s more fiction than fact.
Why do I mention these occurrences? It's just to note how far from Faith, Hope and love many of those around us are living.
However, I also ask us to remember that God is alive and available to help us as we repent today, forgive today, and look for answers. As we go about our lives; to work, to school, to the voting polls, and beyond, I hear the voice of my Grandfather Daddy King. “Make it plain. Thank God for what we have left.”
Let us remember in prayer:
“If my people who call by my name will humble themselves and pray and turn from their wicked ways and seek my face then I will hear from heaven their sins and heal their land.”
~ 2 Chronicles 7:14
Today we know clearly that America is indeed at a crossroads. America is once again facing chaos. Assassins, terrorists, abortion, attacks on our children and families, human trafficking and many other acts of inhumanity; all are occurring right here, right now in our nation.
Please join me in prayer right now; for America, for our families, for the nations of the world, and for the grace and mercy of God to overtake us even in the midst of judgment. Our God who loved the world so much that He gave his only begotten son Jesus has promised us that when we pray, turn to Him, confess our sins and forgive others, He will hear from heaven, forgive our sins, and heal our land.
Dear Heavenly Father, in the name of Jesus, please today bless us indeed. Bless us according to Psalms 103. Lead us according to Psalms 23. Protect us according to Psalm 91. Thank You for the blessing of Abraham upon our lives, for the shed blood of Jesus Christ, and the power of your Holy Spirit. Father God, we worship you this day, giving You thanks and praise in Jesus’ Name, Amen.
May God help America pray again!