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Championing Life & Impacting Culture for Christ


Every day we express the love of God to all humanity, with the hopes that all will be won to Jesus Christ.

Charity Volunteers


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We believe the viability of a nation and its governance is dependent upon its value of human life and dignity at all stages of human existence.

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Recognizing the impactful role of the arts like music, literature, film, and other creative expressions, we enthusiastically engage culture for Christ. 

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We are dedicated to ensuring that Christians are well-informed about policies that empower or hamper citizens ability to be active in public discourse and the public square.



Your Support Helps.

Our ministry is funded by generous people like you. We have many ongoing projects that help us to spread the Gospel of Jesus Christ in a world much in need of His message. Please consider making a tax deductible contribution to Alveda King Ministries.

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